Developing India’s first CSR education Eco-system

MBA and BBA in Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility

CSR, the most understood and misunderstood subject of the era. Solving the mystery is as simple as eating a pie or as complicated as understanding nuclear-science. In 2014, I had a vision to resolve these confusions and define an industry standard for the subject I’m passionate about “Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility”. The vision was converted into mission with the formation of IICSR in 2015. A lot of research and efforts went into, making the people understand the importance of education in CSR. The gap was just sensed, when we pitched the companies on CSR. The only talk we could hear was donations and in fact that’s the way the topic is perceived in India. Introspecting, the world view on the most dynamic and evolving subject, CSR has surpassed the traditional notion which we discerned.

Today, in 2017 envisaging the journey, I am immensely enthused to introduce MBA and talentBBA in CSR course curated by me and offered by MIT Pune University for the first time in India. The voyage India is on “To make in India”, “Stand-up India, Start-up India”, “India Shining” and more, sustainability and responsible business practices would be the key essence. As we walk ahead in future, competing with the global leaders will be a must. Adhering to the International standards and norms will be the new norm for India Inc. The one’s abiding shall sustain, the one’s not shall fade into insignificance.

Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, is the towering gap that India Inc. needs to fulfill. The irony is that, lack to no CSR professionals available in the market. In these, testing times looking at the future prospects a career in CSR would be the most rewarding and sought after. The demand for CSR Professionals has been on the rise ever since the Bill got mandated in 2014 in India. Some of the articles supporting the need:


The translation of dream, to need, to reality in this lifetime has instilled my faith in universe. Following inner calling is the way to live it out on a mission. ~Harsha


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